- PERSONAL BRAND & APPEARANCE – Students learn how everything from their attire and accessories to their personal grooming, body language, and mannerisms create positive or negative impressions. They learn how these impressions, many times, have a direct impact on the opportunities they receive.
- EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION – In order to succeed at an interview or in the workplace, it is essential that students speak well and communicate effectively. Topics include: Elements of the Voice; Non-Verbal Cues; Writing Effective Emails; Social Media Protocol; Phone Etiquette; Active vs. Passive Listening.
- INTERACTIONS & BUILDING RAPPORT – Students practice techniques for presenting themselves with the kind of polish and professionalism that show they should be taken seriously. Topics include: Navigating Common & Awkward Situations; Techniques for Building Rapport; Greetings; Introductions of Others; Small Talk.
- STRATEGIC DINING – Through a formal sit-down meal, students practice the art of conversation while honing their dining skills. Topics include: Table Top Navigation, Making Small Talk, Handling Silverware, When and What to Order, Buffet Style Dining, and Navigating Common & Awkward Dining Situations.
- NETWORKING SAVVY – In today’s competitive environment, companies are looking for the best and the brightest students. Position students to interact and speak about themselves effectively. Topics include: How to Work a Room; Elevator Pitches; Business Card Protocol; Strategies for Handling Food, Drink, and Conversation; and How to Handle Awkward Interactions. Please Note: A formal Networking Simulation Event is also available with this program.